The Game That Plays You

There's a man who wants nothing, nothing at all. He lives day to day, come what may.

There's a man who wants something simple, something easily found. Something he has to reach for, but on the ground.

There's also a man who wants something hard and rare. Hard to get, and far from here.

And then there's a man who wants everything. A little more here, a little more there, a little more everywhere.

Do you want something?


What is it?

Is it simple, or hard and rare, or everything yet fair?

Tell me, are you playing the game or being played by the game, without a care?

By the way, have you decided what you want?

There's a man who has nothing to lose, nothing at all. Maybe just some booze.

And a man who has simple things to lose, things that are easily found. Easy to reach, not beyond the ground.

Then there's a man who has something hard and rare to lose. Something once in lifetime, and to keep, there's nothing he wouldn't do.

And lastly, a man who has everything to lose. A life of gamble, with no preamble.

What do you have?

What do you really have?

Is it really yours?

Is it yours to keep, or yours to lose?

Is it simple, or hard and rare, or everything yet fair?

I wonder, are you playing the game or being played by the game, without a care?

As they say, if you don't know who's the patsy, then it's...