9. Seeing The Deeper Structure Inside

Everything we speak (or write) has at least two messages: what we are saying, and what we are saying about ourselves. Tommy asked Mary what her plans were for the weekend. She said, “I'm taking my dog to the dog park nearby.” Apart from her actual activities planned we can form an explanation that Mary is a dog lover. She might also be an outdoors person, at least enough to take her dog out. So even from something as mundane as taking your dog to a dog park we can infer things about you. You reveal who you are even if just a tiny bit because of the choices you make. The choices you make about how and what you say indicates the kind of person you are.

As a result of this each word we use has a meaning that we assign to it. Each sentence has a structure similar to ours. Each paragraph has our form. What can structure and patterns that we (unconsciously) make tell us about ourselves?