81. Proof Of Problems Solved

I asked Perplexity.AI to explain the difference between The Bucket Theory and The Searchlight Theory of Mind.

Bucket Theory vs Searchlight Theory

The "bucket theory" is Popper's critique of empiricist views that conceive of the mind as a passive receptor of sense data, like an empty bucket being filled by sensory inputs or observations from the external world.
In contrast, Popper's "searchlight theory" views the mind as actively positing questions, problems or theories first, which then selectively illuminate or focus our observations. Our minds do not start as blank slates, but come equipped with inborn expectations, dispositions and knowledge that shape how we perceive the world.

The Bucket Theory is prevalent in our world. It seems convenient to demonstrate that one has more and possibly superior information than others. The implication is that this positions one to be better for the economy. More and superior information implies better value creation for businesses. Labor, paying people to do things they don't necessarily want to do, is what the economy is based on. People can do those activities better if they have the right information.

Popper showed that The Bucket theory is incorrect and therefore this economic model is also wrong, but how would the economy work with The Searchlight Theory? Tell me what problems you have solved, how you solved them, and why those problems. You explain why you are a great fit for my business and I criticize it. Suppose your explanation holds strong then we figure out how to test your explanation. You get the job. This process is periodically repeated and we part ways when your current hypothesis cannot survive criticism or reality.

I am still playing with this idea but thought I should share it anyway.