5. A Bird, a Bee, and a Bat walked into a bar called Reality

Imagine 3 boys with the first boy living in Sri Lanka, the second in Ghana, and the third in Japan. Each boy has a die which they roll at the same time. The first dice shows “1”. The second dice shows “1”. The third dice also shows “1”. This is either a strange coincidence or the dice were rigged.

Now imagine a bird, a bee, and a bat. Somehow they all ended up with wings. If they evolved that way it implies they took completely different paths but ended up at the same place. That same place is the idea that flight via wings is useful. Could this have been a coincidence? It wasn't like a single roll of the dice. Many things had to happen just right for things to end this way. Even if the game was rigged and someone designed them to have wings we still end up with the same idea that flight via wings was desirable.

This idea existed without us, humans, being involved. No matter the ideas that color us it seems this idea that winged flight is useful is not limited to our minds. There therefore may be ideas outside our heads forming this thing called reality.

A bird, a bee, and a bat walk into a bar. The bartender looks up and says, “Is this a joke?” “Make it the same but different, yeah?” they said. “Three vodka Redbulls comin' right up, ” the bartender replied.