4. The Profession of an Idea Critic

I wanted to be a physicist as a teenager and a doctor. I also wished I had superpowers. I wanted to feel special and significant. I thought maybe I did once. I have this strange ability to give myself goosebumps whenever I want. I think positively rich thoughts and with some deep breathing up they pop, little bumps on my arms. It's called voluntary piloerection if you want to Google or ChatGPT it. I was filled with all these ideas. Many from movies and TV shows. They were mostly wrong. But how could I have known? Maybe if my blundering inner critic focused less on me and more on critiquing the ideas in my head we would have ended up better off. What was needed was a professional idea critic, someone willing to seek out the ideas coloring me, uncover the rules in my head, and question them respectfully.