32. There Are Always Errors

Me: Form a brief explanation of yourself? Myself: I am an introverted, intuitive, thinking, and perceiving individual. I value few but close relationships based on loyalty, meaning, and sincerity. I'm also impulsive. I love spicy food with rich flavors though not bitter. I rarely do anything I feel compelled to do by authority. It is difficult to force myself into action but when I find intrinsic value the motivation to act is present. My favorite part of myself is the creative connections I make. It feels like magic when it happens.

Me: Great, now what parts of this explanation do you think could have errors and why? Take your time.

Myself: Firstly, to be brief I started explaining my personality through Myers-Briggs (a personality test) traits focusing on the most visible characteristics like “thinking” but the “feeling” trait as opposed to “thinking” is also important to me in decision making. I also don't agree with these two traits being opposite of each other. Feelings and emotions may be a part of thinking. Secondly, I described myself as impulsive but I left out context regarding that. I am not impulsive all the time. I tend to be more impulsive than others. Again, how I feel matters here. I'm more impulsive when I am trying to solve a problem of feeling better I think. I can get triggered by some stimulus combined with ideas in my head to decide that a certain immediate action is great to do right now - no criticism needed.

Me: Excellent work!

Myself: I suspect there are plenty of errors in those explanations too.

Me: There always are. That's what makes knowledge creation so fun. It never has to end.