30. We Are Human Beings, Not Human Doings

We are human beings, not human doings. “To be or not to be” has become “Just Do It”. Sorry, Nike. We are often judged by what we do, but our actions fail to encompass all we are. Gut-wrenching insults usually begin with, “You are”. It never begins with, “You did”. Success is measured by how much of our “To Do” list is complete, and when we are unable “to do” it is somehow our failure “to be”, but those words “to be” were in fine print, and we unconsciously accepted it. Terms and conditions apply.

Our failure it seems was not learning to understand ourselves first before diving head-first into the ocean of "doing". Josh Waitzkin, a chess prodigy featured in the movie “Searching for Bobby Fischer”, wrote in “The Art of Learning” about how his teacher nurtured and protected Josh's love for chess. I wondered what the world would look like if we nurtured and protected our childlike love. “But there are bills to pay,” the shadowy figure in my mind sternly says, puffing his cigarette. “Adulting”, I think to myself laughing out loud.