3. Ideas That Color Us

Our heads are filled with ideas. Some we are aware of while some are hidden. Some are our own but many belong to someone else. Let me explain. What are your most desirable things? Wealth? Status? Happiness maybe? I wonder where these ideas came from and if they are your own. Of course, your desires may be more specific making you different from everyone else, but ideas colour us. They shape who we are. Ideas of love and honesty can shape us a certain way whereas ideas of power and control result in a different end.

Ideas not only shape us but we can also share them. That means we can shape others too. Art is one way we share ideas. There's some sort of meaning in them just like words. But I can say a sentence meaning one thing and yet another completely different idea can enter your mind. Consider how colourful you are with ideas. There's meaning in you from how you grew up to what you believe.