29. Variety Is The Spice Of Life

Television sets used to be black and white. Technically, they were mostly shades of gray. It was not until the 1960s that color sets became popular. It was still terrible. Much has changed in display technology from then to now. OLEDs are common today. Soon Virtual and Augmented Reality will be the norm. There is a pattern in this progression of technology. Each time it gets better there are more options. There were more options in color, then more options in clarity, and there will soon be more options in experience or something like that. We have learned to understand that better means more options or variety.

Applying this principle to our personal lives, what if our ideas about the world and ourselves progressed similarly? We could have more ideas through which we can see the world. We could act and react with a richness of behaviors and a variety of responses. Our experience might become more meaningful like eating a course of meals at a Michelin Star restaurant. You get to savor the full-body flavors and the depth of sensations. Variety is indeed the spice of life.