18. The Power To Make Things Happen

Often we are told what to do to make our lives better. The advice like "exercise more and eat healthily" or "save and invest money" makes sense. Often we are also told why this is good for us. If we take care of our bodies we can live longer and happier. If we save and invest then our financial futures will be more secure. Many advisors offer strategies about actioning this advice, but sadly rarely does the advice or strategies move you to act upon it. I could explain why diet and exercise are good for the longevity of your life but it only packs a punch when I first consider what you value. Maybe you value spending time with a loved one like your daughter. If I told you that you would miss your daughter’s 21st birthday if you did not change your diet it has power. When information is framed in terms of what we value the information has the power to make things happen. From a business perspective, it is only profitable to sell a generalized product to the masses or a tailored service to the rich. In the end, it comes down to you. You have to reframe the information for you. You have to discover what moves you and why. It has always been about you. I hope you realize that.